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Personal website of Iftekhar Mahmud Towhid.
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Iftekhar Mahmud Towhid
Programmer and Designer

& also
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, BD

Phone   : +8801812597258 (BD)
Website : www.tlabsinc.com
Yahoo   : im_towhid@yahoo.com
Gmail   : tlabs.im@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlabsim

If you see carefully, you'll find some info about me in the Matrix.

My name is Iftekhar Mahmud Towhid. I'm a Muslim from Bangladesh.
My name's meaning is as follows:
Iftekhar (Arabic): Honor, Glory
Mahmud (Arabic): Praiseworthy (another form of Muhammad)
Towhid (Arabic): The oneness (of Allah)

My birthday is 13 october 1988. So I'm 26 now.
My home is in Noakhali, Bangladesh. I'm also living there currently.

Work and Education
I've done my graduation in BSc. Engineering in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering from Department of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering of Noakhali Science and Technology University. Currently I'm seeking my MSc. Engineering degree from Institute of ICT of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).
I'm Assistant Professor of the department of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering of Noakhali Science and Technology University (Yah, the same department I graduated from)

I'm programming since my age of thirteen. Since then I've spent half of my life before computer screens.
I don't care about Programming language, I'm flexible to any of them (I'm a quick learner, just gimme some time). However I prefer C#. And I do little web development.
I'm a self taught designer. That goes from Graphics design to Architectural design.

I teach and have research interest in following subjects:
>> Data Structures and Algorithms
>> Artificial Intelligence
>> Database Management Systems
>> Wireless Communication

>> First of all, programming of any form.
>> Graphics design.
>> Architectural design (I'm a hobbyist architect)
>> Electronics

TLABS is my one man company. I use this name in all of my programs and codes. The 'T' of TLABS comes from my name 'Towhid'.

About me
This is copy & paste from my Facebook 'about me':
Very often I think of me, but most time I am not the guy as I like to be. I am an 11th hour man. All my works are half done. I want to create but what I can only do is ruining. Little bit frustrated, all time casual and undoubtedly unsocial...
(Yah, very contrary to what I stated just above)

Generally I'm too shy to show off my works, However I've listed some of my work in this site. To see my work, type 'GUI' in the console or click here

Warning: I'm not a social guy.
However, if you insist, here's my contact:

Mobile: +8801812597258 (almost always open, if not shut down for low battery, which happens often)
Yahoo mails: im_towhid@yahoo.com (I use it most) and im_tlabs@yahoo.com
Google/G+ account: tlabs.im@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tlabsim
Twitter: twitter.com/tlabsim (I'm a lonely twitter)